Home Authors Posts by Nisha Singh

Nisha Singh


que horas acaba o otc na quotex

Se estiver a negociar acções, opções, ou outros títulos, poderá ter ouvido falar do mercado de balcão (OTC). A Quotex é uma plataforma de...

plus500 erfahrungen: Everything You Need to Know

Plus500 ist eine Online-Handelsplattform, die es seit über einem Jahrzehnt gibt. Es ist bei Händlern wegen seiner benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche, niedrigen Spreads und dem gebührenfreien...

eToro vs Plus500: Which Trading Platform is Right for You?

As an aspiring trader or an experienced one, you may have come across various trading platforms. Two platforms that stand out in the industry...

Plus500 Review: A Comprehensive Look at Features, Fees, and Security

As an investor or trader, one of the most important decisions you will make is choosing the right trading platform. In recent years, Plus500...

Plus500: Your Ultimate Guide to Commission-Free CFD Trading

Are you looking for a platform to trade CFDs with zero commission? Look no further than Plus500! In this article, we will provide a...

How I Earned ₹70.70 lakh to Buy a Car of My...

Mahi Bhat, born in Delhi, could buy 2 houses within a month, Bentley, Ferrari and paid all her debts. But previously, she worked with...

How to Trade Binary Options with Fractals Indicator in Quotex

The term "fractal" comes from difficult mathematics and is used to apply the idea of theoretically fractional dimensions to naturally occurring geometric patterns. We'll talk...

Bullish and bearish belt hold candlestick patterns explained on Quotex

In the chart, the price bars frequently create recognisable patterns. The traders use them to forecast the price of the underlying asset in the...

Que Horas Abre O Mercado Na Quotex

Se você é um trader, é importante saber quando os mercados estão abertos e quando fecham para que possa planejar suas negociações e gerenciar...

que horas a quotex sai do otc

Introdução A "quotex" é uma plataforma de negociação online que permite aos investidores negociar uma variedade de ativos financeiros, incluindo moedas, commodities, ações e índices....